The intro course is a must for all that would like to join CrossFit leicester, allowing you to learn a Crossfit workout and more importantly how to perform the movements in a safe and efficient manner. The course is broken down into 3 sessions, each session is 1 1/2 hour and focuses on a group of movements. These movements are the basics of the Crossfit WOD’s, in addition each session will a workout of the day “WOD”. The intensity of the WODs will be reduced and slowly increased over each week.
WODs are modified to each person’s requirements, allowing everybody to complete our WODs. An intro course is run every week. The group size is limited ensuring the quality of coaching. Below is an example of the course format and times.
The cost for the course is £60, payment is required before or at the first session. On completion of this course you are welcome to join the main group of Crossfit classes. Our facility is located in Leicester just off Grace Road, with onsite parking and excellent bus connections. Please see on our website the location and transport recommendations. CFL looks forward to you joining.