WOD stands for “Workout of the Day” and is your daily dose of CrossFit, programmed specifically by the CrossFit Leicester coaches, the WODs incorporate a mixture of weight lifting, gymnastics and metabolic conditioning (cardio work).
Our Workout of the Day classes are 60 min from start to finish. They include a group warm up, stretching and mobility, lift instruction, skill development, and the WOD. Classes are instructor led and the environment is peer-driven. This atmosphere provides an unparalleled experience, our members benefit from the expertise and experience of our highly qualified and talented coaches, while the element of individual and group competition creates and fuels an hour of power.
The prescribed routine is generally 3 days on with one day off. Understanding that this cannot fit into most lifestyles we at CrossFit Leicester would recommend at least 3 times per week and where possible 4, those supplementing other training regimes or sports with CrossFit would be looked at on a bespoke basis.