Jump from your toes, toes pointed down to the floor, spin from the lower arms while keeping your hands at a 45 degree angle down and in front of you.
Another reason lashing out doesn’t help is because you need to be loose and relaxed in your body to perform double unders effectively. When you are tight throughout the body, especially the shoulders, you aren’t going to be able to spin freely and quickly, or jump quickly and efficiently. Tensing up with anger is going to be counter productive and just make you trip up over and over again. When the double unders get ugly, take a deep breath and relax.
The final reason lashing out doesn’t help is it just looks bad. When it comes down to it double unders are just another movement we implement to get you more fit. There are more important things in life to get angry with. I am not trying to pull a Dalai Lama here. Believe me when I say I have had my frustrating CrossFit days where Ive wanted to burn the whole gym down. However, when you step into the double under downward spiral, just keep it in perspective. Is it really worth screaming like an idiot and throwing your rope like a child, especially in a class with other people and trainers where one misstep could mean a rope to someone’s face? I don’t think so. Instead of freaking out, remember your cues and relax. It will probably work better than your coach making you do 10 burpees (yes, the new penalty for rope throwing).