We understand that sometimes your daily workout at CrossFit can be a bit mentally overwhelming. We are always reminding you about form, technical steps, movement standards, and other things you have to think about on top of just trying to push yourself through a workout. As coaches our primary goal is to get you all[…]


The pullup involves strength, endurance, and coordination throughout the entire body and can be paired with almost any movement or set of movements and make a great workout. Pullups can also be pretty intimidating, especially for newbies. At CrossFit Leicester we want to help you conquer any fear of that pullup bar and get you[…]

Rugby All Black Owen Franks in Bonsall: Max Effort Clean and Jerk By CrossFits Mike Burgener

All Black OWEN BLAin Bonsall: Max Effort Clean and Jerk By Mike Burgener from Journal April 17th 2010   In a continuation of our series with Owen Franks, a rugby player for theNew Zealand All Blacks, Mike Burgener takes the powerful athlete through a series of cues to push him toward a max-effort clean and[…]


  Powerful hip extension is the literal and figurative driving force of many of Crossfit’s 9 essential movements, olympic lifts, and other gymnastic movements such as pull ups. Generating a powerful kip for those chest-to-bars or performing a snatch that feels almost weightless on the platform are both indicators that you’re doing something right…using those[…]


I want to share some knowledge on how to eat in accordance with our workout schedule. This is something that has helped me in the past as I transitioned to a cleaner eating lifestyle. Remember, the paleo and zone diets are not necessarily made for athletes or active people only, so sometimes we need to[…]